Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weight Watchers Again?

Now my next step is to choose just the right program to help me lose the weight. Because I know myself well enough to know I am NOT gonna do it on my own. I have tried Weight Watchers and I know it works. I know this because it worked 4 times. I just kept losing the same 5 pounds. /sigh.


I have also tried Atkins and almost died from lack of carbs. Seriously, It's a thing. Google it.

I once went to a specialty pharmacy and met with a doctor (?) who put me on a 500 calorie diet along with some drops that someone named Jerry mixed up. I don't know exactly what is was but it tasted like something I'd rather not mention. That diet lasted less than a week.


One of my co-workers introduced me to Metabolic Research Center. (I am not now or have ever been an employee of this company). She has lost 40+ pounds on the program. So I made my appointment. With whatever program I selected, I want this to be about the journey of the weight loss and not a review of the program. Most programs work, IF you do them correctly. In preparation for my appointment, I will cut down on junk, drink more water and start walking.














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