Monday, August 6, 2012

Marathon Woman

So, I have decided to run a marathon. Ok, not a marathon. More like a 5K. Well, exactly like a 5K. My office (the one who told me I was fat), is hosting a Desk to 5K program. And in a moment of insanity, I signed up for it.

I used to run when I was in the Army. But that was many (MANY) years ago. And they yelled and had weapons, so I was actively motivated. Now, not so much. But since this is a journey of saying yes to things, I enlisted.

Today was my first “training session”. A few of us brave souls met up with very young, thin mentors to help teach us to run. Today’s scheduled walk/run was for 1 mile. With us running for 1 minute and walking for 4, alternating until we were done. To let you know what I am dealing with let me say that I “ran” very little. I was mainly focused on living through the session and making it back to the building before the rain started.

I started to quit at least 4 times during the run, but I stuck it out and finished.
But I did finish.
Bask in my glory with me. 

Addendum: All the glory I had felt hours ago totally disappeared at 4am when I awoke for my bathroom run. When my feet hit the floor, I realized (too late), that they weren't fully functional. I couldn't seem to lift my foot completely off the ground.  Each step was less than graceful and very painful. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

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